PAYNEful - the site where humour goes to die, the repository of all things by Sean Patrick Payne

17 - Round 4 (with Mister vs. the Yarghonauts and Henry), Part 2 - The Bad Guys

17 - Round 4 (with Mister vs. the Yarghonauts and Henry), Part 2 - The Bad Guys

Round 4 (with Mister vs. the Yarghonauts and Henry), Part 2 - The Bad Guys



Oh's that most dreaded of beasts...DRAMA. Actually I'm pretty damn pleased with this collaboration, because at the end of the day the Docs are the bad guys. During all their wacky hijinks it's easy for people following the tournament to forget that Smiffington and Gyrode aren't nice guys, they are out to win by any means necessary. Ralph in particular shows how deep his mean streak runs here, whereas Gyrode's evil front cracks a little in the face of what they've done.

We can't take any credit for the flashback sequence - in fact we didn't know anything about it until the pages were uploaded! It adds an extra layer of gravits to the proceedings, certainly.

In a previous draft there was a scene where Gyrode rips out Henry's robotic spine, exploting a flaw in her design using his superior knowledge of the mechanical. Thankfully, Ashley and Sam stomped all over that idea (could have been Sean mistake number 6!) and it's definitely better that Gyrode is the more sympathetic character.

I'm taking credit for that last line. I was over the moon when I found it - it seemed almost too perfect.

Thanks to Ashley for being such a great collaborator (you can see more or her wonderfully surreal stuff by following her webcomic Nice Teeth), and apologies to our opponents for how we gave your characters such a gory kicking - me and Sam vowed to try and make everything right in the next, final round...



I did barely anything to contribute to this page! Wheee!


  • Mr. Sexy, Mister, Cyanide and Standing copyright © AshleyLange.
  • Hatchet, Garfield, Fetish, Mona, Landcrusher, Gore and Vore copyright © PepperoniDeluxe
  • Henry copyright © CitrusRain.