Mercenaries’ Tale – 3.03 The Turn
The Dark Worlder removed the blade from Doug’s midsection and allowed the mercenary to fall to his knees. “Now, sevraq, that wasn’t so bad, was-” a ball of flame impacted his face and knocked him back a step. The large man flailed at his head in a bid to stamp…
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August 27, 2022 at 12:01 am | The Mercenaries' Tale | No comment
Tags: Allan Parkinson, Annie Stone, Blaise, Dark Worlders, Doug McCracken, Galmanoc, Gratin, Jessie Harper, monorail, New Dawn, Salmanic Incorporated, Salmanic pipeline, Thad the Gentleman, the Mercs, Tupper, Twigarnians, vehicles and transport
Mercenaries’ Tale – 3.01 The Attack

Tales of Sin, The Mercenaries’ Tale: Act Three The Power Plant “Consider our friendship. What is the likeliness of a mage of my calibre aligning myself with a burned out sociopathic ex-soldier with suicidally brash tendencies and a traumatised, tragic vigilante who just wants to rub out her own pain…
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August 13, 2022 at 12:01 am | The Mercenaries' Tale | No comment
Tags: Allan Parkinson, Annie Stone, Blaise, Dark Worlders, Doug McCracken, Galmanoc, Gratin, magic and mages, New Dawn, Salmanic Incorporated, Salmanic pipeline, Thad the Gentleman, the Mercs, Tupper, Twigarnians
Mercenaries’ Tale – 2.09 Making Plans

Blaise, Gratin and Parkinson walked alongside the pipe in silence. Gratin considered continuing his conversation with Blaise but decided against it. She always became closed off when people she barely knew were around and wouldn’t be willing to divulge anything personal in their presence, even if Gratin attempted to communicate…
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August 6, 2022 at 12:01 am | The Mercenaries' Tale | No comment
Tags: Allan Parkinson, Annie Stone, Blaise, Doug McCracken, Galmanoc, Gratin, Jessie Harper, New Dawn, Salmanic Incorporated, Salmanic pipeline, Thad the Gentleman, The Cruise Ship, the Mercs, Tupper
Mercenaries’ Tale – 2.08 The Pipeline

Walking around behind the scenes of any Salmanic building was much like walking around backstage at a theatre. The areas accessible to the general public were covered in grand displays of wealth befitting of something owned by the richest and most influential person on the planet but when it came…
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July 30, 2022 at 12:01 am | The Mercenaries' Tale | No comment
Tags: Allan Parkinson, Annie Stone, Blaise, Doug McCracken, Galmanoc, Gratin, New Dawn, Salmanic Incorporated, Salmanic pipeline, Thad the Gentleman, the Mercs, Tupper
The Mercenaries’ Tale – 2.06 Mingling Mercs

There was some time to spare before they were due to meet Annie and her crew so the mercs undertook all the little tasks they knew were required when embarking on a job; the little everyday things that might not be possible for a while. They cleaned themselves, prepared their…
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July 25, 2022 at 3:55 pm | The Mercenaries' Tale | No comment
Tags: Allan Parkinson, Annie Stone, Blaise, Doug McCracken, Galmanoc, Gratin, Jessie Harper, New Dawn, Salmanic Incorporated, Salmanic pipeline, Thad the Gentleman, the Mercs, Tupper