PAYNEful - the site where humour goes to die, the repository of all things by Sean Patrick Payne

Chapter 3: No Business Like the Toy Business

3-08 - Mi-go the Slaughtering

3-08 - Mi-go the Slaughtering

Mi-go the Slaughtering

Jazon was originally going to draw this page but due to real-life commitments he had to bow out on certain pages, which was fine - he had already left his mark on the story with some key frames and in the script.

However, when the script called for H.P. Lovecraft-themed cards, it was a no-brainer to dip into Jazon's impressive gallery of Lovecraftian horrors. The ones in particular I nicked were:

The cards were assembled using MTG Cardsmith. I'll say now that I haven't the foggiest how to play Magic: the Gathering and I am far too lazy to have even a cursory glance at the rules so I just went with colours, titles, abilities and icons that looked thematically correct! Lots of skulls, basically.

Dr. Joshua Waite copyright © Jazon19.