Dear diary, today there’s a global pandemic on.
(Spoilers: it’s a drunken self-indulgent post about me. I mean, it is my blog?)
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April 5, 2020 at 12:30 am | Real Life, This Stuff Probably Isn't Relevant Now | No comment
Tags: That bloody virus

Series 12 has upset a LOT of fans. I think there’s method to the madness. Let’s unpack what’s happened and take a stab at guessing why Chris Chibnall is taking a pair of hedge-trimmers to the canon.
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March 8, 2020 at 2:00 pm | Characters, Random Guesswork, This Stuff Probably Isn't Relevant Now | No comment
Tags: Doctor Who

I dump out all of my thoughts regarding the last proper entry in the Metal Gear franchise. I wrote this post three years ago, only two years after the game had come out. That’s what we call “timely”!
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March 1, 2020 at 1:00 pm | Articles, Video Games | No comment
Tags: Big Boss, bitching about video games, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, MGS, Venom Snake

In a fusion literally nobody (except my brother) asked for, Harley Quinn merges with the dog from Wallace and Gromit in another of my random art projects.
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February 26, 2020 at 12:00 pm | Manchild at Play (Toys), Model Kits and Figurines | No comment
Tags: Batman, Gromit Unleashed, Harley Quinn, modelling, Wallace and Gromit

SEGA hasn’t seen fit to put out a bunch of overpriced toys to celebrate their new film, so I have the temper tantrum my five year old self would have wanted me to have about it.
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February 23, 2020 at 12:00 pm | Characters, Films | No comment
Tags: Dr. Eggman, Dr. Robotnik, SEGA, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog the Movie

How to use NGINX configs to mask URLs. It’s basically a means of “white-labelling” domains to specific web URLs on one server. If you understand what any of this means, this post is probably for you. Also, don’t feck with the sudoers file!
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February 9, 2020 at 12:00 pm | Articles, Portfolio and Work | No comment
Tags: 404 not found, domain masking, how to break a server by faffing with the sudoers file, Linux, NGINX, server tinkering

An overly detailed post detailing all the games I finished to 100%. It mostly involved a lot of grinding…
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February 2, 2020 at 12:00 pm | Trophy Hunter's Club, Video Games | No comment
Tags: 2064: Read Only Memories, Agent 47, Call of Cthulu, Dragonball Z, H.P. Lovecraft, Hitman, Jackbox, Monkey Island, PS3, PS4, South Park, Tekken, trophies

I bought some custom figures from Hero Forge recently and painted ’em up. They look pretty cool!
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January 26, 2020 at 12:00 pm | Model Kits and Figurines, Totally Warhammered | No comment
Tags: Dungeons and Dragons, Hero Forge

No Time to Die comes out this year so I thought I’d put down in words a guess as to how it’ll end that, on reflection, most of the fanbase also probably believes will happen.
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January 19, 2020 at 12:00 pm | James Bond, Random Guesswork, This Stuff Probably Isn't Relevant Now | No comment
Tags: 007, fan theory, James Bond, No Time to Die

You don’t need virtual boxes to run the best detective / Discworld game ever made. You just need to trust an executable downloaded from a random website, it seems.
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January 12, 2020 at 12:00 pm | Articles, Computer and Program Fixes, Video Games | No comment
Tags: Discworld, Discworld Noir