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Huh. It doesn't look like I've done anything recently. Weird! I'm not usually that lazy. Maybe Twitter has decided to change their API again (they could just be down temporarily?). Either way, there should be a whole bunch of "tweets" here, but there aren't. Oh well, try again later! Or you could just go direct to my Twitter page instead. I'm not your boss, I can't tell you what to do.

Latest Tales of Sin Entry: "Mercenaries’ Tale – 5.02 Return"

Posted on Saturday 18th March, 2023

Julia was sat at the bar, staring at her phone so hard one could be forgiven for thinking a hole would spontaneously appear in it. Her appearance was more bedraggled than usual; her braids frayed and only the lightest dusting of make-up gracing her features. She was still dressed though;...

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Latest Blog Post: "So, Coronavirus!"

So, Coronavirus!

Posted on Saturday 4th April, 2020

Dear diary, today there's a global pandemic on. (Spoilers: it's a drunken self-indulgent post about me. I mean, it is my blog?)

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The Two Doctors - Comics about a pair of dastardly mad scientists Gromit Unleashed Paint Your Own Gromits The PAYNEful blogSPLOSION - Random musings by Sean 10 Videos Randomly Selected from My YouTube Favourites Playlist Tales of Sin - The Mercenaries' Tale