There’s a chap called Brant Steele who made a Hunger Games simulator1. You can play it at http://brantsteele.net/hungergames. I’ve seen a fair few runs of the simulator crop up on Tumblr (the one with Sonic the Hedgehog characters comes to mind) and I fancied a crack at it myself. I…
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January 21, 2017 at 12:00 am | Batman, Characters, Death Battle!, James Bond | No comment
Tags: 007, 1966 TV Batman, Ace Ventura, Adam West, Agent J, Batman, Captain Jack Sparrow, Commander Sam Vimes, Deadly Premonition, Dennis the Menace, Detective Francis York Morgan, detectives, Discworld, Discworld Noir, Gabe Logan, Inspector Clouseau, James Bond, Jim Carrey, Jim West, Lupin III, Max Payne, Men In Black, Metal Gear Solid, MGS, Philip Marlowe, Pirates of the Caribbean, Postman Pat, Solid Snake, Sonic the Hedgehog, Syphon Filter, Tails, The Mask, The Pink Panther, Thomas the Tank Engine, Toy Story, Wallace and Gromit, Wild Wild West, Will Smith, Woody

I turned 27 this year, officially placing me in the “adult” end of my twenties. So what did I receive for my birthday from my beloved girlfriend? LEGO, of course! Having received a Joker steamroller previously, and also coming into possession of a LEGO version of the Penguin1, the only…
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June 13, 2015 at 6:34 pm | Batman, LEGO, Manchild at Play (Toys) | No comment
Tags: Batman, Batmobile, LEGO, The Flash, The Riddler

The new trailer for Batman v Superman was leaked online this week and it looks pretty good. Zack Snyder1 did the clever social media-savvy thing and dropped a high-definition version of the trailer shortly afterwards. #BatmanvSuperman #NotBlurry #NotPirated https://t.co/6twr1oFBvr — ZackSnyder (@ZackSnyder) April 17, 2015 Reactions have been mixed apparently….
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April 18, 2015 at 2:08 pm | Batman, Films, Random Guesswork | No comment
Tags: Batfleck, Batman, Batman comics, Batman films, Batman v Superman, Ben Affleck, comic book movie adaptations, DC Comics, Frank Miller, Watchmen, Zack Snyder

In my quest to buy every single action figure DC Collectibles pumps out that’s based around the Batman “Arkhamverse” video games, I have so far managed to buy a giant alligator man, a steroid Joker and a colossal zombie. When Solomon Grundy turned up in the mail, I joked that…
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April 4, 2015 at 11:21 am | Action Figures, Batman, Manchild at Play (Toys) | No comment
Tags: Arkham City, Batman, Clayface, DC Collectibles

Despite not actively being a die-hard LEGO collector1, I somehow have a growing collections amassing on one of the coffee tables in my flat2. The collection grew a little larger over Christmas, with my other half kindly gifting me a LEGO set that pandered to my fascination with both LEGO…
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March 21, 2015 at 12:00 pm | Batman, LEGO, Manchild at Play (Toys) | No comment
Tags: Batman, Batwing, geekgasm, impractical death machines, LEGO, the Joker

If you thought my physical space was cluttered, you should take a look at my computer desktop. I tend to save everything to the desktop and then, once every few months, go through everything and either archive it to a hard drive or consign it to the digital recycle bin….
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March 5, 2015 at 11:50 pm | Batman, Real Life | No comment
Tags: Bane, Batman, Catwoman, Doctor Who, Firefox, funny images, geekgasm, Groot, Hitman, Jaws is the best henchman ever, Kevin Smith, memes, oh goody let's talk about real life for a change, Playmobil, the Joker, translator

I’ve always had a little bit of an obsession with Batman, particularly when it comes to the Joker. I don’t know why I’ve always had this fascination with the purple-dressed pale-faced psychopath, especially since I do suffer from coulrophobia1. My fascination started with Jack Nicholson’s portrayal in the Tim Burton…
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December 1, 2013 at 7:34 pm | Action Figures, Batman, Manchild at Play (Toys), Villains | 4 comments
Tags: 1966 TV Batman, Arkham Asylum, Arkham Origins, Batman, Batman comics, Cesar Romero, DC Collectibles, DC Comics, Mark Hamill, the Joker, they're just toys!

You may already be aware of a small obsession I have with the Batman Arkham games and the toys based on those character designs – I’ve shown off my little collection before in a self-indulgent display of “look how much disposable income I have (LOL)”. You can consider this to…
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September 28, 2013 at 12:00 pm | Action Figures, Batman, Manchild at Play (Toys) | 8 comments
Tags: Arkham City, Batman, DC Collectibles, Solomon Grundy

Have you heard the news? Courtesy of my favourite Taiwanese news-reporting animation team! The internet has exploded over the announcement of “Batfleck” (don’t blame me, I didn’t come up with the name – I was going to call him “BatAffleck”). The issue was even particularly contentious in the office where…
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August 25, 2013 at 4:13 pm | Batman, Films, Vaguely Topical | 2 comments
Tags: Batfleck, Batman, Batman films, Ben Affleck, Superman, topical issues

The other day I finally managed to cross off one of the things on my (admittedly rather limited and lacking in scope) list of things I’ve always wanted to do (aside from buy a plastic figure of Dr. Robotnik). For years I’ve made do with wooden shelves, converted bedside cabinets…
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June 1, 2013 at 12:00 pm | Action Figures, Batman, Manchild at Play (Toys), Video Games | 3 comments
Tags: Agent 47, Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Army of Darkness, Batman, Captain Jack Sparrow, DC Collectibles, Dr. Eggman, Dr. Robotnik, Evil Dead, Hitman, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Pirates of the Caribbean, Solid Snake, Sonic the Hedgehog, Tekken, the Joker, they're just toys!