Three Blokes and a Chick Watch

For me, weekends mean booze, video games and movies. I do this in the company of my other half and two very good friends. We often notice things about films we love, and because we care we pull them apart and chastise them.

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The Chick Talks… Feminism

The Chick Talks Feminism

In this week’s guest blog post, Sam gives us a brief overview of why Hollywood still has some way to go when it comes to gender equality, and explains why attempts to make a strong female lead can backfire and result in removing part of what makes them a woman….

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May 25, 2013 at 12:00 pm | Films, James Bond, Three Blokes and a Chick Watch | 3 comments

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Three Blokes and a Chick Watch: Casino Royale

Casino Royale

You have to understand that there’s a reason I like Casino Royale so much. Put yourself in my position – you’ve just watched the Bond franchise fire a nail gun into its own ball-sack over and over for two hours in the absolutely dire Die Another Day, a film that…

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December 31, 2012 at 11:21 pm | Films, James Bond, Three Blokes and a Chick Watch | No comment

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Three Blokes and a Chick Watch: A View to a Kill

Death of Zorin

If there’s something to be said about A View to a Kill, it’s that it’s 80’s. Very 80’s. If AVtaK (which in itself sounds like a failed Sinclair or Amstrad computer) was a person, it would grease back its hair, wear cheap suits from Woolworths, carry a brick phone and…

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November 9, 2012 at 4:49 pm | Films, James Bond, Three Blokes and a Chick Watch | No comment

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A Random Collection of Thoughts on Skyfall


I went to the nearest multiplex cinema with the two blokes and a chick yesterday, and there was an interesting turn of events. Prior to seeing the film, the two blokes weren’t brilliantly keen on Daniel Craig’s Bond and I was rather fond of him (he would rank second behind…

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November 4, 2012 at 9:46 pm | Films, James Bond, Three Blokes and a Chick Watch | 2 comments

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Three Blokes and a Chick Watch: From Russia With Love

From Russia with Love

Well shit. It had to happen eventually, didn’t it? We’ve found a Bond film that I can never remember jack about, and that’s because not only is it pretty damn good, but it’s also probably the only Bond film with no gimmick other than being a straight up old-fashioned spy…

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October 14, 2012 at 12:39 am | Films, James Bond, Three Blokes and a Chick Watch | No comment

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Two Blokes and a Chick Watch: Moonraker

Best moment in the film. DAT FACE.

Moonraker is often remembered as BOND IN SPACE as it’s the one film where Bond transcends his role of special agent to become an astronaut. It’s also one of the more formulaic of the Bond films, being almost a carbon-copy of its predecessor The Spy Who Loved Me, albeit with…

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August 31, 2012 at 9:11 pm | Films, James Bond, Three Blokes and a Chick Watch | No comment

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Three Blokes and a Chick Watch: Die Another Day


When Die Another Day first came out in cinemas, I went to see it an instantly took a severe dislike to it (translation: it turned me into a frothing, raging fanboy). It felt like a missed opportunity to truly celebrate the 40th anniversary of Bond ruined by CGI, bad writing…

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August 27, 2012 at 11:09 pm | Films, James Bond, Three Blokes and a Chick Watch | No comment

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Three Blokes and a Chick Watch: For Your Eyes Only

Martine stares at the audience

I don’t like For Your Eyes Only very much. It’s a genuinely difficult film to remember after any period of time on account of being a truly forgettable experience. Case in point, following the film I asked the other two blokes and the chick what they remembered from what they’d…

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August 17, 2012 at 8:26 pm | Films, James Bond, Three Blokes and a Chick Watch | No comment

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Three Blokes and a Chick Watch: Goldfinger

Goldfinger Laser Scene

For me, weekends mean booze, video games and movies. I do this in the company of my other half and two very good friends. We often notice things about films we love, and because we care we pull them apart and chastise them. Here’s the first in a series of…

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August 11, 2012 at 1:08 pm | Films, James Bond, Three Blokes and a Chick Watch | No comment

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