This Stuff Probably Isn’t Relevant Now

I try to not date what I write – I like posts to be timeless and relevant no matter when they are read, but alas it is difficult to not react to things that are happening “at that time”. Consider these posts more akin to a diary or journal.

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So, Coronavirus!

It's-a me! Seanio!

Dear diary, today there’s a global pandemic on.

(Spoilers: it’s a drunken self-indulgent post about me. I mean, it is my blog?)

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April 5, 2020 at 12:30 am | Real Life, This Stuff Probably Isn't Relevant Now | No comment


Random Guesswork: Doctor Who

Thirteen and the "Ruthless" Doctor

Series 12 has upset a LOT of fans. I think there’s method to the madness. Let’s unpack what’s happened and take a stab at guessing why Chris Chibnall is taking a pair of hedge-trimmers to the canon.

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March 8, 2020 at 2:00 pm | Characters, Random Guesswork, This Stuff Probably Isn't Relevant Now | No comment


Random Guesswork: No Time to Die

No Time to Die comes out this year so I thought I’d put down in words a guess as to how it’ll end that, on reflection, most of the fanbase also probably believes will happen.

[Click here to read the full post]

January 19, 2020 at 12:00 pm | James Bond, Random Guesswork, This Stuff Probably Isn't Relevant Now | No comment

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The Saga of People Keep Using My Smegging Email Address to Sign up to Stuff

Angry Ralph

I have one of those email addresses that’s generic enough to be accidentally entered as I signed up for it with a particular service back when they first launched their email service. Without typing it out for all the world to see, it’s basically my name. It’s such a generic…

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December 28, 2018 at 10:30 pm | Real Life, Technology | No comment

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The following is an extract from Tales of Sin: The Mercenaries’ Tale, a story that is currently a work-in-progress. The story takes place in a science-fiction setting so please excuse any terms that may seem oddly out of place in this story that could otherwise take place in our world,…

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October 31, 2017 at 6:00 pm | Halloween | No comment

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A Tribute to Grandads

Not a Granddad (Yet)

I’ve reached a milestone in my life recently: both of my grandfathers passed away within months of each other. There’s been no massive amounts of sadness on my part, but there has been a lot of guilt niggling at the back of my head because it seems that my values…

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February 8, 2017 at 11:00 pm | Real Life | No comment

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So You’ve Emailed the Wrong Email Address

Return to Sender Icon

Hi there! You’ve possibly been sent an email from a chap called Sean which contains a link to this web page. Let me explain. I received your email. Your email has been successfully delivered to Sean Patrick Payne. If that’s who you were aiming to send it to, then congratulations!…

[Click here to read the full post]

January 7, 2017 at 11:39 am | Real Life, Technology | No comment

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The Year in Blogs: 2016 (Also 2017 Blogging Plans!)

While 2015 did its best to cause turmoil in my personal life, 2016 has left the world on a bit of a knife edge economically, politically and culturally. I’m afraid I don’t have any answers for the things that happened this year. I’ve been as worried and scared about the…

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January 1, 2017 at 12:00 pm | The Year in Blogs | No comment

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A Year Without Blogging

Fallout Walking into Sunset

Tl;dr version: Going on hiatus, BRB. Long version: I am pretty active when it comes to putting stuff online. Just a casual glance at my Twitter feed for the year reveals that, on average, I put up comics, blog posts, podcasts and other assorted oddities for public consumption at least…

[Click here to read the full post]

February 15, 2016 at 12:00 pm | Real Life | No comment


Home Is Where the Heart Is (but Mine Will Forever Belong to Another)

Least flattering picture ever!

It’s so easy to lose your own sense of “self”. That might sound pretentious but all it takes is one niggling little thing to throw off your entire grasp of who you are. Anyone who has spoken to me for more than fifteen minutes will have been subjected to a…

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February 14, 2016 at 2:11 pm | Real Life | No comment


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