Series 12 has upset a LOT of fans. I think there’s method to the madness. Let’s unpack what’s happened and take a stab at guessing why Chris Chibnall is taking a pair of hedge-trimmers to the canon.
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March 8, 2020 at 2:00 pm | Characters, Random Guesswork, This Stuff Probably Isn't Relevant Now | No comment
Tags: Doctor Who

No Time to Die comes out this year so I thought I’d put down in words a guess as to how it’ll end that, on reflection, most of the fanbase also probably believes will happen.
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January 19, 2020 at 12:00 pm | James Bond, Random Guesswork, This Stuff Probably Isn't Relevant Now | No comment
Tags: 007, fan theory, James Bond, No Time to Die

E31 took place this week, and it was probably the best in terms of announcements for the last two or three years. Game critics are remaining sceptical about some of the announcements, but that’s their job – allow the rest of us to revel in the joy of some of…
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June 20, 2015 at 11:39 am | Random Guesswork, Technology, Video Games | 2 comments
Tags: Arkham Knight, Assassin's Creed, Batman, E3, Fallout 4, Final Fantasy, Hitman, Ico, LEGO, LEGO Dimensions, Mad Max, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Shadow of the Colossus, Team Ico, The Last Guardian, Uncharted

The new trailer for Batman v Superman was leaked online this week and it looks pretty good. Zack Snyder1 did the clever social media-savvy thing and dropped a high-definition version of the trailer shortly afterwards. #BatmanvSuperman #NotBlurry #NotPirated https://t.co/6twr1oFBvr — ZackSnyder (@ZackSnyder) April 17, 2015 Reactions have been mixed apparently….
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April 18, 2015 at 2:08 pm | Batman, Films, Random Guesswork | No comment
Tags: Batfleck, Batman, Batman comics, Batman films, Batman v Superman, Ben Affleck, comic book movie adaptations, DC Comics, Frank Miller, Watchmen, Zack Snyder

I rarely join in with fandoms having gut reactions to changes in their beloved franchises, especially negative ones. One of my prouder fan moments must have been reserving judgement about Daniel Craig back when he was first announced as being the next James Bond. The tabloids shit themselves inside-out with…
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April 25, 2013 at 6:24 pm | Batman, Random Guesswork, Video Games | 2 comments
Tags: Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Batman, bitching about video games