
I have been told before that I am fairly handy with technology, although I have always been a secret technophobe in many respects (I believe the colonies coined the phrase “luddites”). Either way, I often find myself writing about technology in one way or another.

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Public Service Announcement: How to Actually Play Discworld Noir on Windows 10

The Cafe Ankh

You don’t need virtual boxes to run the best detective / Discworld game ever made. You just need to trust an executable downloaded from a random website, it seems.

[Click here to read the full post]

January 12, 2020 at 12:00 pm | Articles, Computer and Program Fixes, Video Games | No comment

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The Saga of People Keep Using My Smegging Email Address to Sign up to Stuff

Angry Ralph

I have one of those email addresses that’s generic enough to be accidentally entered as I signed up for it with a particular service back when they first launched their email service. Without typing it out for all the world to see, it’s basically my name. It’s such a generic…

[Click here to read the full post]

December 28, 2018 at 10:30 pm | Real Life, Technology | No comment

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How to Get Discworld Noir Working on Windows 10


…or potentially any modern computer, for that matter! EDIT 26/01/20: this post is wrong. While it provides a method of running Discworld Noir, it’s not the best way to run it in Windows 10. No, there’s a fix for the executable file that some clever bugger came up with that…

[Click here to read the full post]

June 15, 2017 at 10:30 pm | Articles, Computer and Program Fixes, Video Games | 6 comments

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So You’ve Emailed the Wrong Email Address

Return to Sender Icon

Hi there! You’ve possibly been sent an email from a chap called Sean which contains a link to this web page. Let me explain. I received your email. Your email has been successfully delivered to Sean Patrick Payne. If that’s who you were aiming to send it to, then congratulations!…

[Click here to read the full post]

January 7, 2017 at 11:39 am | Real Life, Technology | No comment

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How to Recover Your Data and Files after Refreshing Windows 10 (Because Your Start Menu Broke)

Windows 10

Having been an advocate of Windows 7 being one of the best operating systems ever1 I’ll admit that I have quickly adopted Windows 10 with the minimum of problems. In fact it seems to have sped up my laptop considerably, and certain programs that had buggy quirks actually improved themselves…

[Click here to read the full post]

September 5, 2015 at 1:00 pm | Computer and Program Fixes, Technology | No comment

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The PAYNEful Portfolio – Redeveloping (or How I Got CodeIgniter and WordPress to Play Nice Together)

Redeveloping PAYNEful

Like anyone who works with the web, I get restless sometimes and occasionally get a fleeting notion that I need to overhaul and redesign my website. In this case PAYNEful was on its first version, if you disregard the placeholder page that sat on the domain for the best part…

[Click here to read the full post]

August 1, 2015 at 10:00 am | Portfolio and Work, Projects, Projects, Technology | No comment

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The PAYNEful Portfolio – Creating a New YouTube Subscription Feed (or How to Replace Your YouTube Subscription Feed Now Google Has Ditched It)

YouTube RSS

Note: if you’re looking for code, there’s a link at the bottom of this article where you can get a copy. This article just explains what the code does. About a year ago, Google mentioned casually that they would be getting rid of YouTube subscription feeds1. Earlier this year they…

[Click here to read the full post]

July 3, 2015 at 11:00 am | Articles, Portfolio and Work, Projects, Projects, Technology | No comment

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Random Guesswork: E3 2015


E31 took place this week, and it was probably the best in terms of announcements for the last two or three years. Game critics are remaining sceptical about some of the announcements, but that’s their job – allow the rest of us to revel in the joy of some of…

[Click here to read the full post]

June 20, 2015 at 11:39 am | Random Guesswork, Technology, Video Games | 2 comments

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The PAYNEful Portfolio – On Parsing Text and HTML with PHP

Parsing Projects

I’ve had a bit of dabbling with reading and interpreting text using PHP recently, specifically for two personal projects: A “translator” that reads in text and converts it to “fake French” (in the style of other silly “translators”). A simple application that reads and organises HTML bookmark files (as in…

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May 15, 2015 at 7:00 pm | Articles, Portfolio and Work, Projects, Projects, Technology | No comment

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Bookmark Hoarding Is a Serious Condition – Let Me Help You with That!


Sometimes I get really specific problems that nobody else really gets. For instance, I have a comic character who speaks in a stereotypical fake French accent and I find that sort of thing hard to write, so I built a translator to turn perfectly good English into fake French. On…

[Click here to read the full post]

May 10, 2015 at 4:56 pm | Projects, Technology | No comment

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Tales of Sin - The Mercenaries' Tale The PAYNEful podSPLOSION The PAYNEful Portfolio - examples of my work and articles written about web development The Automated HTML Bookmark Sorter Let's Annotate Discworld Noir