Facebook did a little thing this week which caused me some concern, as it showed that the people behind Facebook either don’t know or don’t care about how they get in touch with their user base. Facebook (unfortunately) plays a significant role in my life. I was press-ganged by a…
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November 29, 2014 at 11:15 am | Articles, Opinion Pieces, Portfolio and Work, Technology | No comment
Tags: Facebook, Facebook's terms and conditions are notoriously terrible, How not to treat users, UX design

The following is completely opinion-based, has no factual basis and should be taken at face value for what it is – a biased diatribe against government control of the web. Oh dear. It’s time for another of those blog posts that’s topical and probably won’t have any relevance in a…
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July 23, 2013 at 10:36 pm | Opinion Pieces, Technology, Vaguely Topical | 2 comments
Tags: David Cameron is a lizard, incompetent goverments, pr0n, topical issues

So I’ve lambasted Apple and stuck my nose up at the smuggery of the self-satisfied lifestyle that they promote, but I feel like maybe I’ve been unfair. Perhaps I’ve been overly biased, because very recently I saw something that made my blood boil and caused me to reach an epiphany….
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June 4, 2012 at 9:08 pm | Opinion Pieces, Technology, Video Games | 4 comments
Tags: Apple, Battlefield Heroes, digital download vs physical copy, DRM sucks, elitism, GAME, next gen, PC elitists, PC vs console, trolls

If you know me at all then you might be aware of my hangups over Apple products. There’s a vast misconception that I don’t like Apple hardware and software and that I’ve a personal embargo on the purchase of aforementioned products. Not at all! This is absurd for the following…
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May 7, 2012 at 6:56 pm | Opinion Pieces, Technology | 2 comments
Tags: advertisements, Apple, Apple bashing, elitism, fanboys, marketing