I had high hopes for 2014, but when I started the year by almost killing myself with alcohol it sort of set the mood. Despite that little hiccup at the start of the year, a lot of effort went into the first few chapters of the Two Doctors’ World Tour,…
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January 1, 2015 at 12:00 pm | The Year in Blogs | No comment
Tags: advertisements, Derren Brown, GamerGate, LEGO, podcast, yearly summary

Disclaimer: before we get started, I’d just like to say that this article is in no way mocking the first world war – a great many people died in that horrible war and taught a lot of people about fighting for what you believe in by sacrificing all they had…
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November 22, 2014 at 12:44 pm | Christmas, Vaguely Topical | No comment
Tags: advertisements, Christmas, Sainsbury's, televison, TV

So the British public is agog at the latest heart-warming bit of commercial advertising pumped out by John Lewis in a bid to win the war of sales via Christmas cuteness. Have you seen it? When I first watched this, my heart grew ten sizes that day. Or that might…
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November 8, 2014 at 2:05 pm | Christmas, Vaguely Topical | No comment
Tags: advertisements, Christmas, John Lewis, television, TV

If you know me at all then you might be aware of my hangups over Apple products. There’s a vast misconception that I don’t like Apple hardware and software and that I’ve a personal embargo on the purchase of aforementioned products. Not at all! This is absurd for the following…
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May 7, 2012 at 6:56 pm | Opinion Pieces, Technology | 2 comments
Tags: advertisements, Apple, Apple bashing, elitism, fanboys, marketing