Random Guesswork: Batman v Superman Is the Film We Need but Not the One We Deserve

The new trailer for Batman v Superman was leaked online this week and it looks pretty good. Zack Snyder1 did the clever social media-savvy thing and dropped a high-definition version of the trailer shortly afterwards. #BatmanvSuperman #NotBlurry #NotPirated https://t.co/6twr1oFBvr — ZackSnyder (@ZackSnyder) April 17, 2015 Reactions have been mixed apparently….
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April 18, 2015 at 2:08 pm | Batman, Films, Random Guesswork | No comment
Tags: Batfleck, Batman, Batman comics, Batman films, Batman v Superman, Ben Affleck, comic book movie adaptations, DC Comics, Frank Miller, Watchmen, Zack Snyder