You don’t need virtual boxes to run the best detective / Discworld game ever made. You just need to trust an executable downloaded from a random website, it seems.
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January 12, 2020 at 12:00 pm | Articles, Computer and Program Fixes, Video Games | No comment
Tags: Discworld, Discworld Noir

…or potentially any modern computer, for that matter! EDIT 26/01/20: this post is wrong. While it provides a method of running Discworld Noir, it’s not the best way to run it in Windows 10. No, there’s a fix for the executable file that some clever bugger came up with that…
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June 15, 2017 at 10:30 pm | Articles, Computer and Program Fixes, Video Games | 6 comments
Tags: Discworld, Discworld Noir

There’s a chap called Brant Steele who made a Hunger Games simulator1. You can play it at http://brantsteele.net/hungergames. I’ve seen a fair few runs of the simulator crop up on Tumblr (the one with Sonic the Hedgehog characters comes to mind) and I fancied a crack at it myself. I…
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January 21, 2017 at 12:00 am | Batman, Characters, Death Battle!, James Bond | No comment
Tags: 007, 1966 TV Batman, Ace Ventura, Adam West, Agent J, Batman, Captain Jack Sparrow, Commander Sam Vimes, Deadly Premonition, Dennis the Menace, Detective Francis York Morgan, detectives, Discworld, Discworld Noir, Gabe Logan, Inspector Clouseau, James Bond, Jim Carrey, Jim West, Lupin III, Max Payne, Men In Black, Metal Gear Solid, MGS, Philip Marlowe, Pirates of the Caribbean, Postman Pat, Solid Snake, Sonic the Hedgehog, Syphon Filter, Tails, The Mask, The Pink Panther, Thomas the Tank Engine, Toy Story, Wallace and Gromit, Wild Wild West, Will Smith, Woody

They say that Sir Terry Pratchett is dead, but I find that very hard to believe because, although the body may no longer function, he poured every thought, idea, belief and thesis of his into the hundreds and thousands of words he wrote down. I looked at his bibliography earlier…
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March 14, 2015 at 12:12 pm | Vaguely Topical | No comment
Tags: Discworld, RIP, Sir Terry Pratchett

Against all advice, we’re back for another week of geeky banter. We’ve even tried to better ourselves by not playing a game while we talk, finding a quieter room and by recording the video footage with FRAPS. This week we tackle the thrilling subjects of: England going out of the…
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July 1, 2014 at 7:40 pm | Podcasts, The PAYNEful podSPLOSION | No comment
Tags: Archer, Discworld, Football (bah!), Grand Theft Auto, GTA Online, GTAV, scavenger hunts, Sir Terry Pratchett, Sports (ergh!)