No Time to Die comes out this year so I thought I’d put down in words a guess as to how it’ll end that, on reflection, most of the fanbase also probably believes will happen.
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January 19, 2020 at 12:00 pm | James Bond, Random Guesswork, This Stuff Probably Isn't Relevant Now | No comment
Tags: 007, fan theory, James Bond, No Time to Die

There’s a chap called Brant Steele who made a Hunger Games simulator1. You can play it at http://brantsteele.net/hungergames. I’ve seen a fair few runs of the simulator crop up on Tumblr (the one with Sonic the Hedgehog characters comes to mind) and I fancied a crack at it myself. I…
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January 21, 2017 at 12:00 am | Batman, Characters, Death Battle!, James Bond | No comment
Tags: 007, 1966 TV Batman, Ace Ventura, Adam West, Agent J, Batman, Captain Jack Sparrow, Commander Sam Vimes, Deadly Premonition, Dennis the Menace, Detective Francis York Morgan, detectives, Discworld, Discworld Noir, Gabe Logan, Inspector Clouseau, James Bond, Jim Carrey, Jim West, Lupin III, Max Payne, Men In Black, Metal Gear Solid, MGS, Philip Marlowe, Pirates of the Caribbean, Postman Pat, Solid Snake, Sonic the Hedgehog, Syphon Filter, Tails, The Mask, The Pink Panther, Thomas the Tank Engine, Toy Story, Wallace and Gromit, Wild Wild West, Will Smith, Woody
2015 can seriously take a step back and literally f*ck its own face. First there was the unexpected sudden need to move house when our landlady decided they wanted to sell the house we were in regardless of whether we were in it or not. We moved into a flat…
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January 1, 2016 at 12:00 am | The Year in Blogs | No comment
Tags: Batman, Detulux Incorporated, engagement, First world problems, James Bond, LEGO, Seriously Flat 7 go get bent

Die Another Day was possibly one of the worst James Bond films ever made1. In attempting to tip a hat and slyly nod to previous James Bond films, it turned into a camp over-the-top monstrosity, bloated with smug performances and a plot that wouldn’t look out of place in a…
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July 25, 2015 at 10:00 am | Films, James Bond | No comment
Tags: 007, creepypasta, Die Another Day, fan theory, James Bond, Pierce Brosnan

As a die-hard James Bond fan, one of the biggest struggles is coming to terms with one of the larger ever-present issues the franchise has: continuity. If that’s a foreign word to you, it refers to how a work of fiction progresses as a whole. For example, Doctor Who has…
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May 23, 2015 at 10:00 am | Films, James Bond, Video Games | No comment
Tags: 007, 007 Legends, Doctor Who, GoldenEye, Goldfinger, James Bond, That bloody Aston Martin DB5

The third time’s the charm! This week’s theme is “Ian Fleming”, and we somehow manage to deviate heavily, driving drunkenly in a meandering fashion across an entire range of James Bond-based topics. The topics can be boiled down to the following: Murdered: Soul Suspect (video game) Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack…
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July 14, 2014 at 10:03 pm | James Bond, Podcasts, The PAYNEful podSPLOSION | No comment
Tags: Bechdel Test, Casino Royale (1967), Charlie's Angels, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Coyote Ugly, Deadly Premonition, Gert Frobe, Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, James Bond, Minecraft, Murdered: Soul Suspect, Roald Dahl, She's All That, Sherlock Holmes, Square-Enix, Tomorrow Never Dies

Sam and I have wanted to try this whole “podcasting” thing for a while, so we bought a half-decent microphone and, just to completely break convention, we played Minecraft while we talked (nobody plays Minecraft on YouTube, right?). We “um” and “er” our way through such exciting topics as: Give…
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June 24, 2014 at 8:34 pm | Podcasts, The PAYNEful podSPLOSION | No comment
Tags: Daniel Craig, Give 'Em Hell Malone, James Bond, Liquid Snake, Metal Gear Solid, Minecraft, podcast, Sean's terrible Heath Ledger Joker impression, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eight Dimension, The Punisher, Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Wayne's World

I’m a big admirer of Derren Brown. He’s managed to convince 99% of people that he’s simply a stage conjurer who uses a combination of psychology, hypnotism and good old-fashioned misdirection in order to give people a good time. This is in fact a lie, and I know this because…
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May 7, 2014 at 7:30 pm | James Bond, Villains | No comment
Tags: Derren Brown, James Bond, magnificent bastard, the Joker
Here’s a yearly round-up of all the blog posts I made through 2012! The year where I tried to turn my blog into being exclusively about James Bond! Why I Can’t Be a Bastard in Fallout: New Vegas – 26/04 “Max Valerion” was a character I created in Fallout 3,…
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January 1, 2013 at 11:00 am | The Year in Blogs | No comment
Tags: Apple, James Bond, PC vs console, yearly summary

You have to understand that there’s a reason I like Casino Royale so much. Put yourself in my position – you’ve just watched the Bond franchise fire a nail gun into its own ball-sack over and over for two hours in the absolutely dire Die Another Day, a film that…
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December 31, 2012 at 11:21 pm | Films, James Bond, Three Blokes and a Chick Watch | No comment
Tags: 007, Casino Royale, Daniel Craig, James Bond, movie recap, movie review