Posts tagged with "LEGO"

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The Year in Blogs: 2015

2015 can seriously take a step back and literally f*ck its own face. First there was the unexpected sudden need to move house when our landlady decided they wanted to sell the house we were in regardless of whether we were in it or not. We moved into a flat…

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January 1, 2016 at 12:00 am | The Year in Blogs | No comment

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Manchild at Play: LEGO Cinema

LEGO Cinema 55

I was leaving the flat the other day and, amongst the assorted mail for various apartments, a colour catalogue caught my eye. This was because it was a catalogue of LEGO. Strange for it to turn up in the mail, and I made the decision that if it hadn’t been…

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August 8, 2015 at 10:00 am | LEGO, Manchild at Play (Toys) | No comment

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Random Guesswork: E3 2015


E31 took place this week, and it was probably the best in terms of announcements for the last two or three years. Game critics are remaining sceptical about some of the announcements, but that’s their job – allow the rest of us to revel in the joy of some of…

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June 20, 2015 at 11:39 am | Random Guesswork, Technology, Video Games | 2 comments

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Manchild at Play: LEGO Batmobile and Riddler Racer (Featuring the Flash, Because Why Not?)

LEGO Riddler Chase 30

I turned 27 this year, officially placing me in the “adult” end of my twenties. So what did I receive for my birthday from my beloved girlfriend? LEGO, of course! Having received a Joker steamroller previously, and also coming into possession of a LEGO version of the Penguin1, the only…

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June 13, 2015 at 6:34 pm | Batman, LEGO, Manchild at Play (Toys) | No comment

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Manchild at Play: LEGO Detective’s Office

LEGO Detective 59

I tend to make a rule towards LEGO, in that I’m not to buy any unless it’s very, very necessary. You could argue that no LEGO is necessary, but then you don’t own LEGO minifigs of the Ghostbusters, Doc Brown and Marty and the Joker, so shut up. Aside from…

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March 29, 2015 at 5:19 pm | LEGO, Manchild at Play (Toys) | No comment

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Manchild at Play: LEGO Batman Batwing and Joker Steamroller

LEGO Batman 19

Despite not actively being a die-hard LEGO collector1, I somehow have a growing collections amassing on one of the coffee tables in my flat2. The collection grew a little larger over Christmas, with my other half kindly gifting me a LEGO set that pandered to my fascination with both LEGO…

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March 21, 2015 at 12:00 pm | Batman, LEGO, Manchild at Play (Toys) | No comment

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The Year in Blogs: 2014

I had high hopes for 2014, but when I started the year by almost killing myself with alcohol it sort of set the mood. Despite that little hiccup at the start of the year, a lot of effort went into the first few chapters of the Two Doctors’ World Tour,…

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January 1, 2015 at 12:00 pm | The Year in Blogs | No comment

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Manchild at Play: Ghostbusters LEGO

ECTO-1 from the other side.

Around this time last year I had a geekgasm over limited edition Back to the Future LEGO. At the end of that blog post, I linked to a user-submitted Ghostbusters LEGO design, featuring all four Ghostbusters and their unique vehicle the ECTO-1. That project sadly didn’t get approved by the…

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June 11, 2014 at 9:06 pm | LEGO, Manchild at Play (Toys) | No comment

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Manchild at Play: Back to the Future LEGO

The finished product.

I bloody love Back to the Future. Who doesn’t? You’d have to literally be the worst person in the world not to. It’s just wholesome good fun, a story about two friends – a rebellious teen and a crazy mad scientist. You couldn’t get this film made today. You know…

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August 15, 2013 at 11:13 pm | LEGO, Manchild at Play (Toys) | No comment

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