The one thing about moving house that surprised me is the sheer amount of stuff one accumulates over the years. However, most of this stuff normally has the common decency to secrete itself away in nook and crannies, unseen and unknown until it is required1. Philip K. Dick coined the…
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February 27, 2015 at 5:24 pm | Action Figures, Manchild at Play (Toys), Real Life | No comment
Tags: oh goody let's talk about real life for a change, packaging, they're just toys!
2013 – the year I moved out of my parent’s house and didn’t write about James Bond (unlike last year). Here’s a round-up of what was on my mind throughout the annual rotation of the planet around the Sun. Why Hitman: Absolution Isn’t Quite Right – 02/01 Having received the…
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January 1, 2014 at 12:00 pm | The Year in Blogs | No comment
Tags: bitching about video games, they're just toys!, yearly summary

I’ve always had a little bit of an obsession with Batman, particularly when it comes to the Joker. I don’t know why I’ve always had this fascination with the purple-dressed pale-faced psychopath, especially since I do suffer from coulrophobia1. My fascination started with Jack Nicholson’s portrayal in the Tim Burton…
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December 1, 2013 at 7:34 pm | Action Figures, Batman, Manchild at Play (Toys), Villains | 4 comments
Tags: 1966 TV Batman, Arkham Asylum, Arkham Origins, Batman, Batman comics, Cesar Romero, DC Collectibles, DC Comics, Mark Hamill, the Joker, they're just toys!

The other day I finally managed to cross off one of the things on my (admittedly rather limited and lacking in scope) list of things I’ve always wanted to do (aside from buy a plastic figure of Dr. Robotnik). For years I’ve made do with wooden shelves, converted bedside cabinets…
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June 1, 2013 at 12:00 pm | Action Figures, Batman, Manchild at Play (Toys), Video Games | 3 comments
Tags: Agent 47, Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Army of Darkness, Batman, Captain Jack Sparrow, DC Collectibles, Dr. Eggman, Dr. Robotnik, Evil Dead, Hitman, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Pirates of the Caribbean, Solid Snake, Sonic the Hedgehog, Tekken, the Joker, they're just toys!