The PAYNEful PodSPLOSION #01 – Liquid Snake’s Arm Across the Eighth Dimension

Sam and I have wanted to try this whole “podcasting” thing for a while, so we bought a half-decent microphone and, just to completely break convention, we played Minecraft while we talked (nobody plays Minecraft on YouTube, right?). We “um” and “er” our way through such exciting topics as: Give…
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June 24, 2014 at 8:34 pm | Podcasts, The PAYNEful podSPLOSION | No comment
Tags: Daniel Craig, Give 'Em Hell Malone, James Bond, Liquid Snake, Metal Gear Solid, Minecraft, podcast, Sean's terrible Heath Ledger Joker impression, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eight Dimension, The Punisher, Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Wayne's World